Film Industry: I,Daniel Blake


1) What is independent cinema and how is it different to Hollywood blockbusters?
Independent cinema is usually low budget and morals behind it however, a hollywood blockbuster is funded by a big franchise and is usually about action with no story behind it.

2) What is I, Daniel Blake about?
About a man that had an heart attack and can no longer work and seeked benfits and finacial help from the goverment.

3) Who directed I, Daniel Blake and why is this important?
Ken loach directed I, Daniel Blake, this is important as its an idependent film and it has an important message behind it.

4) How was I, Daniel Blake promoted to an audience? List at least three different methods used by the film's marketing campaign and how they targeted their audience.
The marketing of I, Daniel Blake included projection on the houses of parliament, using hashtags and advertisement of we all are Daniel Blake.

5) What unusual or creative marketing methods were used to get audiences talking about the film?

6) What was the estimated production budget for I, Daniel Blake and how much did it make at the box office?
The estimated production budget was 2million and it made $15,887,187 at the box office.

7) What were some of the companies involved in funding or producing I, Daniel Blake? 
Some funding companies was: the lottery,BFI and BBC

8) What is the name of the film regulator in the UK and what was the age rating for I, Daniel Blake?
The age rating for I Daniel Blake was 15 and the film regulator is named BBFC

9) What aspects of the film contributed to the film's age rating?
A aspect of why the age rating is 15 is because of strong language 

10) Finally, considering everything you have learned about I, Daniel Blake, do you think the film was a success? Explain your answer in a well developed paragraph. Try and compare it to Black Widow if you can
Yes, black widows production costed 200million and only made £379 million dollars back, they had spent all 200million without getting anything back and as a result to covid it was the best paid movie they had during that time. I,Daniel Blake was more of an success.


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